Medical systems
Our REVIVE Modular medical system is an end-to-end pre-hospital medical system that is adaptive scalable and treats casualties at all levels. From minor wounds to advanced resuscitation and surgery in the field, as well as mass casualty situations or whilst working in contaminated environments.
Today’s battlefield requires military forces to work within the full spectrum of operations, from low visibility to brigade size expeditionary engagements. This presents a new set of challenges for medical personnel. Working in denied areas means equipment restraints and challenging evacuations.

Promoteq offers a medical system that fills the gap in today’s military medical field. The system consists of modules that complement each other when put together. It provides soldiers with the capability to extract, move, sustain and treat casualties in harsh conditions. All modules are developed to provide soldiers with the right equipment at the right time at the point of injury and during transportation to a medical treatment facility, covering minor wounds to advanced resuscitation and surgery in the field, as well as mass casualty situations or whilst working in contaminated environments.
The medical modules can be used in the full spectrum of military operations with different levels of care based on right interventions at the right time with reference Tactical Combat Casualty Care, Prolonged Field Care, Remote Damage Control Resuscitation and Damage Control Surgery.

REVIVE is modular and scalable depending on mission requirements. It provides soldiers with the capability to extract, move, sustain and treat casualties in harsh conditions.
Acquiring the Revive system does not only mean that medical personnel are prepared and able to handle the challenges they encounter, they can solely focus on the mission and the care of their comrades. Promoteq purchases, kits and restocks each bag as part of the system, leaving medical personnel knowing exactly which and how many procedures they can treat, no matter where they are or which field they belong to.
In addition to our modular system, we provide a wide range of medical products from tourniquets, bandages, hemorrhage control products, chest seals, blood warmers, bags, VR equipment, AEDs, mannequins, training sleeves, simulation equipment and much more. We give trainings for your personnel as well as medical equipment consultations.